Our Process


1. Select your service.


2. Pick your preferred date & time.


3. Get steamed.

Our Cleaning Services

Left image shows dirty car seat compared to right image showing clean car seat

Car Seat Clean

Sticky fingers, biscuit crumbs and dirty daycare shoes. Car seats feel impossible to keep clean with messy little monsters jumping in and out. But more importantly, they tend to be the carrier of the unavoidable bacteria and viruses that your child picks up along the way.

That’s where we come in. We use a low-tox steam cleaning process that’s extra safe for your little ones and gets rid of the invisible germs that nestle their way into every crevice.

We take the cleaning off your hands, so you have more time to hold theirs.

Vacuum ✓
Stain removal ✓
Deep steam clean ✓
Frame clean ✓
Sanitisation ✓

Car Seats Clean - $80
Booster Seat (without a 5-point harness) - $60

Left image shows dirty pram compared to right image showing clean pram

Pram Clean (Single & Double)

Whoever first invented the pram is a genius. A hero. A saviour. How did we ever take the kiddies anywhere without them?

Unfortunately, whoever it was didn’t stop to think about how difficult the things would be to clean. Can’t have it all apparently.

A few baby wipes don’t really cut through the yoghurt pouches, thick mud and sticky things that have somehow made their way into every corner.

The solution? Us. The safe and incredibly thorough way to remove unwanted dirt, tackle stains and provide sanitisation – all at once. Making your outings even more enjoyable.

Vacuum ✓
Stain removal ✓
Steam clean ✓
Frame clean ✓
Wheels ✓
Sanitisation ✓

Single Pram - $100
Double Pram - $120

Left image shows dirty baby capsule compared to right image showing clean baby capsule

Baby Capsule

Protect your little one’s immune system and reduce potential irritations from harsh chemicals with the power of low-tox capsule cleaning.

Our same-day service means you can provide a safe and hygienic environment for your bundle of joy in just a couple of hours.

We’ve cleaned countless capsules in our time, so we know how to reach into the parts that you might otherwise miss. Keeping your baby safe in every way possible.

Vacuum ✓
Stain removal ✓
Deep steam clean ✓
Frame clean ✓
Sanitisation ✓

Capsule Clean - $80

Man steam cleaning interior of car

Car Clean (Interior & Exterior)

Soccer mum car. Daddy daycare bus. The family spaceship. No matter what you call it, your car becomes a pretty vital piece of the family puzzle.

It gets you home from the hospital after bringing a new life into the world. It’s the way there on the first day of daycare and the way home on the last day of high school.

It becomes the carrier of so many memories – singalongs, screaming matches, food fights. Which usually means it carries an extra layer or two of god-knows-what.

Give your family car the extra lovin’ it needs with a professional steam clean and sanitisation. We use low-tox deep cleaning to bring out even the oldest of melted chocolate stains.

Give yourself one less thing to worry about and hand your car cleaning over to us. Light exterior car cleaning available as an add-on with your deep interior steam clean.

Interior Clean & Sanitisation - $250
External Clean only - $110
Interior & Exterior Combo - $310

Have questions about steam cleaning? We are here to help.